In the car (and everywhere actually) Corbin is non-stop talking. He asks lots of questions (even if he knows the answers) and it really is getting to get on our nerves. Every morning when I get up he asks, "what are we doing today?" and most days I have no clue but he will ask over and over and over again, "what are we doing today?" until I figure it out and tell him and then once we are in the car he will ask, "where are we going?" a bazillion times.
I know he knows the answer. Before we leave the house I tell him where we are going, when we get into the car I tell him where we are going, HE KNOWS WHERE WE ARE GOING! But he continues to ask and for the 1st couple times I tell him and then if he keeps asking I start making up stuff. Like if he asks, "where we are going?" I respond, "down-town China town" or "home again home again, jiggity jigg!" he thinks its funny to drive me crazy. I guess he is a normal kid!
As annoying as it is, I love his age right now. I feel like all the hard work is starting to pay off. As long as he gets enough sleep and doesn't get too much sugar... he is a really great kid!